
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2010

The Fluctuating Gold Price

If you are a fanatic collector of gold, it must be familiar for you that the price of the gold is always changing all the time. As you know, gold is a very significant factor dealing with the level of inflation and the other financial and economic aspects. Then, gold price is always interesting to be reviewed and analyzed in order to give the references for the customers to know more about the price of the gold. As a collector of gold of course it is very important information for you in order to get a best deal in pricing. There is a site that will help you know more about the logic of the sifting of the price of gold . It is a very helpful site for the gold hunter and gold analyzer to know more about the development of the gold price from time to time. Besides, as the most important ting the site is also giving you information about the recent gold prices which is very important. The gold spot will also an important feature in the site that will guide you to find ...

Usaha Memenuhi Anjuran dokter

Paidi sering mengeluh sakit kepala dan nyeri didada. Dokter menganjurkan agar dia berhenti merokok dan minum minuman keras. Selain itu harus berhenti makan daging kembing, daging kesukaan Paidi. "Jangan lupa daging kambing. Anda hanya boleh makan sayur-sayuran dan daging hewan yang bisa berenang dan terbang," nasehat Dokter. Setelah tiga hari berlalu sang Dokter menelpon Paidi mengingatkan Paidi agar hanya makan daging hewan yang bisa berenang dan terbang. Tiga bulan kemudian Dokter menegok kerumah Paidi untuk melihat perkembangan Paidi. Dia diberitau kalau Paidi ada di kolam renang. Mendengar itu sang Dokter merasa tenang, menyangka Paidi bukan hanya mengikuti anjurannya, tetapi juga mau berolahraga untuk meningkatkan kebugaran tubuhnya. Sang Dokter langsung bergegas menuju kekolam renang dimana Paidi berada. Namun apa yang dilihatnya dikolam renang?....

Tukang Becak Perkasa

Gak laku nih mobil derek kalau banyak abang becak sekuat beliau….

Polisi Cabul – Jangan Ditiru…!

Parah deh Pak Pulisi ini….

Alasan Tidak Dapat Bicara Dengan Bos Via Telepon

Hihii.. ada di akherat rupanya Bosnya… ! Tips Bisnis Internet

Cara Mengenali Pasien Dokter Kandungan

Bu Siska masuk ke ruang periksa kehamilan ketika namanya di panggil petugas. Bu Siska : “Halo Dok, ketemu lagi.” Dokter Kandungan : “Halo juga. Nama ibu siapa?” Bu Siska : “Siska Dok, masa lupa. Kan saya sudah sering kemari.” Dokter Kandungan : “Maaf Bu saya lupa. Habis pasien saya banyak sih. Tolong naik ke tempat tidur dan buka pakaiannya agar saya periksa.” Selang beberapa saat, si Dokter Kandungan berkata : “Nah! Kalau ini pasti Bu Siska!” Ternyata si Dokter Kandungan mengenal Bu Siska bukan dari wajahnya. Lalu dari apanya.....!!!??????

Ancaman Karena Kencan dengan Istri Orang Lain

”Gue lagi takut nih”, kata Paijo ke Yudi temannya. ”Gue baru dapat surat ancaman seseorang. Dia bilang mau mematahkan leher gue kalau nggak berhenti kencan sama bininya. Gawat nih gue!” ”Ya udah, kalo resikonya sebesar itu, stop kencan sama bininya”, sahut Yudi. ”Wah...ngga segampang itu man”, kata Paijo. ”Oooo....jadi loe sudah kepincut ya sama bininya itu” ”Bukan begitu”, sahut Paijo, ”Yang nulis surat ngga nyantumin nama ato identitas lainnya”

Making Domain in the Web Hosting

Creating a domain in the hosting requires your intelligence in choosing a reliable web server that can help you maintaining your job. It is the most considerable point when you are choosing a web server. The reliability usually is seen from the reputation of the web server. And, you can also read the review of some reviewer regarding the track record of a certain web server. You can also looking for the tips and trick on how to create the domain address in a certain domain. The importance of the news, trends and reviews on the web hosting industry is very big because it is commonly used by the users and businessman who wish to create an account or domain in the web server. The web hosting reviews usually will include the ratings and also the latest trends and tendency of the web hosting that will make you get enough references on choosing one of tem by regarding your needs of usage. The domain ownership usually will also need maintenance and you can find some tips in o...